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Practicas, proyectos o traineeships en la empresa Grande marítima Holandesa

Emplazamiento laboral: 
Tipo de trabajo: 

Are you a progressive technical starter and looking for an entry-level job in which you can gain international experience? A job in which you will work with innovative techniques on world-famous projects? Then we are just what you are looking for.

It is not easy, but it is certainly worthwhile trying to gain a place on our traineeship. In the course of a year, this English-language programme prepares you for a flying start to your career.

You will be eligible for participation if you have completed an MSc or BSc in one of the following subjects:
•civil engineering
•mechanical engineering
•physical geography
•offshore engineering
•technical business administration (prefarably with technical educational training)
•maritime engineering
•transport, infrastructure & logistics

About the Company
Van Oord is a leading international contractor specializing in dredging, marine engineering and offshore projects (oils, gas and wind). We are an innovative partner for our clients and, for over one hundred years, have been helping to create the infrastructure for the world of tomorrow. Our staff are committed, entrepreneurial professionals who are passionate about water, wind energy and technology.

Marine ingenuity is what sets Van Oord apart. In just two words, we show in the clearest possible terms what we do, how we do it, and what makes us different. A passionate, smart, shrewd, international marine contractor – that is how we see ourselves. We find innovative solutions designed to meet our clients’ and business partners’ challenges.

Van Oord’s corporate culture is one in which employees are given – and are eager to accept and take – responsibility. We want all our employees to enjoy their work, to work safely, and to feel like part of a team. Mutual respect, trust, friendly relations between colleagues and basic good manners are crucial in this respect. Van Oord believes in One Team, worldwide.


You will be eligible for participation if you have completed an MSc or BSc in one of the following subjects:

•civil engineering
•mechanical engineering
•physical geography
•offshore engineering
•technical business administration (prefarably with technical educational training)
•maritime engineering
•transport, infrastructure & logistics

Si esta oferta laboral indica que debo enviar mi CV al Colegio, este hecho implica que:

Autorizo al Colegio a remitir mis datos, incluyendo mi Currículum y el resto de documentos anexos, a la empresa que oferta esta vacante. Una vez se haya tramitado, solicito que estos documentos sean eliminados de los sistemas del Colegio.

Autorización para el envio del CV

Si esta oferta indica que tengo que enviar mi CV al Colegio, el hecho de enviarlo implica que:

Autorizo al Colegio a remitir mis datos, incluyendo mi Currículum y demás documentos anexos, a la empresa que oferta esta vacante. Una vez hecho el envío, solicito que estos documentos sean eliminados de los sistemas del Colegio.